Klinefelter's Syndrome Research

Klinefelter's Syndrome
By: Nicklaus Weidner

Cause of the disease 
Klinefelter's syndrome is a condition that occurs in men who have an extra X chromosome in most of their cells. The syndrome can affect different stages of physical, language and social development.
Some Symptoms for babies are Weak muscles,
Slow motor development — taking longer than average to sit up, crawl and walk

Delay in speaking. Some symptoms for boys and teenagers include taller than average stature, weak bones, low energy level and shyness. Some symptoms for adult males include weak bones, taller than average stature, and decreased body and facial hair. 
How is this disorder lived with or treated? 
Males with Klinefelter syndrome can be given testosterone, a hormone needed for sexual development. If treatment is started around the age of puberty, it can help a boy have more normal body development.Testosterone is given by injection or through a skin patch or gel. The treatment usually continues throughout a man's life but does not help infertility.Speech therapy and educational support can help boys who have language or learning problems.
Is there any research into this disorder?
Currently, there is no cure for Klinefelter syndrome. However, researchers are pursuing several approaches in an attempt to find one. Klinefelter syndrome research scientists are also looking at the risk factors for other medical conditions, including certain types of cancer.  In order for research on Klinefelter syndrome to be conducted, volunteers are needed.

Are there any support groups for the disorder? 
There are many support groups for Klinefelter's Syndrome. There are many active and in active groups . There are groups in Boston, New York City, San Francisco, and Southern California. 
Additional Facts
Klinefelter syndrome affects 1 in 500 to 1,000 newborn males. Most variants of Klinefelter syndrome are much rarer, occurring in 1 in 50,000 or fewer newborns.Older children and adults with Klinefelter syndrome tend to be taller than their peers. Compared with unaffected men, adults with Klinefelter syndrome have an increased risk of developing breast cancer. There are also speculations that George Washington had Klinefelter syndrome, which is associated with an XXY karyotype. 

Testosterone- http://www.testerone.com/

1 comment:

  1. Why blank out the section that mentions the penis and what not on the male diagram. Is this a fucking christian run blog or something. Grow up.
